About Me
Welcome to my crazy, weird, wonderful bookish life! This feels like and is probably going to read like a weird dating profile... the end you'll obviously want to be swiping right on because hey I'm amazing!
I always find talking about myself weird,so like any good dating profile i'll probably leave the pictures to do the talking (queue massive paragraph on myself).

Speaking of which a lot of you may know me from my stint as the Events Coordinator from
Waterstones Piccadilly where the world learnt never to give me a microphone as my introductions got progressively elaborate and weird and I loved every minute of it. I also took any opportunity to dress up and was proudly Tom Fletcher's Christmas Elf and The Tiger Who Came To Tea (sorry to shatter the illusion).
Never ask me what my favourite book is because I'm that person who never has a definitive answer. I will always be found with a book on my person in some form, even if that means sticking it in my waist-band in the club so I can read on the way home (yes I am that person and I have NO shame) and I talk about cake a lot. Sweets and Cake are a great way to bribe me #justsaying (sometimes I also tweet long unnecessary hashtags).
This is the point where I stop and encourage you to go read my reviews because that's why we're all here right! Enjoy and get in touch, let's get the conversations going......
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